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We are in unique times, and we must avoid human contact where there is risk of spreading the Coronavirus. Thankfully, we also have a wonderful alternative – live Group meetings via the Internet.

There are several services offering to help us connect using group discussions, and lately Bhola has been using Zoom to reach his students, which has been very successful.

Nepali and Mongolian Shamans are using Zoom, and Shamans and lineage keepers worldwide are using zoom now to share and support whoever is interested and inclined to Nepal-Himalayan shamanism.

But is it Valid?

There is no doubt that the best way to receive teachings and empowerments is live and face to face. Where we cannot do so, the second best method is via live interactive internet discussion. The third best method is watching live webcasts without interaction. If this is impossible, some aspects may be taught through watching recordings.

We cannot always be in the same space as our elders and masters, and even when attending in person, we may end up sitting a long way from the teacher, maybe receiving their voice through speakers, or even watching them on a TV monitor. This is not so very different from ‘attending’ live via the Web.

What about Initiations and Empowerments?

Transmission of Initiations and Empowerments is ‘mind to mind’ between the Deity, the Elder and the Apprentice – this is the Traditional way, established for many lineage generations to maintain purity and accuracy and be faithful to the ancestors and our spirits.
So you really don’t have to be physically close to your teacher. What is important is that the teacher and the student both intend for the transmission to take place, and that the correct attitude and motivation are present. In this way, your empowerment is perfectly valid.

Bhola’s Teachings

Bhola has developed a series of courses which will be delivered via Zoom for the coming months, including exciting online events for you to participate in Festivals, live Ceremonies and Initiations. This offers a great new opportunity for you, without the cost and complication of travel.

Even better, you will be able to ask questions and contribute to each session, and be supported afterwards by contact with Bhola and also by video recordings and notes, where possible.

The Nepalese Shamanic Path

Check out the Courses section of this Website and use the Contact form if you have any questions – Bhola is always delighted to help and can even arrange special sessions if you have specific requests.

Bhola’s book is an excellent preparation for the sessions, and also for following up on some of the details at your leisure. It is available from Amazon as a paperback and ebook, and is also being published in Italian and French editions:


[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”THE NEPALI HIMALAYAN SHAMANIC PATH – An Introduction to Jhankrism” tab_id=”1602404598344-a9ab9029-b91a”][vc_column_text]During this program, you will be introduced to the cosmology and traditional methods of the Nepali Shaman or Jhankri.

Through stories, myths, journeys, ceremonies, dance, and group ritual, Bhola will guide you to explore the five elements of creation, the three worlds and fourteen levels (Tintri-Lok Chaudha Bhuvana) of the Nepali upper and lower spiritual realms.

You will learn about the male and female energies of the dhyangro drum and the unique rhythms the Jhankri uses in his or her work. Bhola will also guide you to explore the elements of the Shaman’s costume (Jala-Mala, Jama-Pagari), and the traditional way an altar (Thaan) is prepared and the art of making offerings (Chadaunu).

Traditional perspectives on disease and illness will be discussed and you will have an opportunity to invoke the water deity Jala Devi to create healing water, a healing mandala (Rekhii) and participate in a Shamanic Dance of Transformation (Jhankri-Naach). To complete the weekend, Bhola will impart a five-colored thread (Pancha-Rangi Dhago) blessing of harmony, balance, joy, raising the life forces for protection (Siir Uthaunu)!

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”CALLED TO BE A SHAMAN – WAYS OF BEING CALLED IN THE NEPALI SHAMANIC PATH” tab_id=”1602404598415-2cbddc2e-4738″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This is a course offering insight into the path of the Shaman in Nepal. It explains the ways in which a person may enter on the path.


This is suitable for you if you wish to be introduced to the Nepali shamanic path and the methods of entry into it, and be better informed about your own shamanic development.


A person, both male and female cannot just declare oneself of being a healer or a Shaman. There are many ways and types of call:


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organization or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”UNDERSTANDING AND AWAKENING THE BODY” tab_id=”1602404878291-854dabeb-0dba”][vc_column_text]A SHAMANIC PERSPECTIVE


We will explore how the Body relates to the wider physical and spiritual world and the Spirits and Energies which flow.


This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to learn about the Body as more than a host for the mind, its Elements and Inner Winds and its place on the shamanic path.


Our body is the microcosm of the macrocosmic universe.

Every elemental spirit, sacred places, planets and other beings are within our body.

From the traditional perspective, creating harmony, awakening and maintaining a cordial and intimate relationship amongst the inner spirit beings and in times of need calling-in of the external Istadeo (primary spirit guide) helps the Shaman to connect with the multiverses and realms for a specific purpose.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”TRADITIONAL PERSPECTIVE OF HEALTH AND CAUSES OF DISEASE” tab_id=”1602404947900-844ede26-6eda”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This course seeks to inform and motivate participants to establish an understanding of how Shamanic practice may be used to heal. The focus is on Nepali cultural perspectives on Health and Disease, as well as Healing.


If you are motivated to discover more about traditional perspectives and forms of healing, then this is a good place to start. It will guide you and lead on to more practical sessions of training in ritual.


Since time immemorial, people cultivated a very good relationship with Mother Nature and all that is created. Annual worship, festivals and offerings, seasonal propitiations, ancestral reverence, honouring the Earth-Mother – all the plant and animal kingdoms were part of being and living a harmonious life. But with the passage of time greed, envy and nervousness started planting roots in human lives. As soon as humans started shaping life on the basis of ‘reasoning’ rather than instinct, they started deviating away from Mother Nature and her creations. The harmony started rupturing, thus creating a fragmentation of ‘self’. Here started different diseases, wars and slowly humans started deviating away from the ‘source’.
In this course you will learn this content:

The Traditional Categories of Illnesses:

The animistic universe of the spirits cannot be separated from the mundane world.

Central to Nepali Shamanism-animism and concept of illness are the Deities, spirits, elementals, disarrayed planets and ancestors who generally live in an atmosphere and the earth.

Any of these may cause illness if their territory is encroached upon, any kind of pollution caused, their shrines disturbed, or if one fails to perform timely homage.

It is not correct to place Deities and goddesses in the same category as ‘Lagu’, or evil spirits. Although the Deities may strike out and cause illnesses to remind the humans, they are regularly worshipped and may protect individuals or even grant favours. ‘Lagu’ on the other hand, are totally evil. They come in different varieties.

Types of Lagu include:
Bayu, Bhut, Pichas, Masan, Nag, Moch among others.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This course seeks to inform and motivate participants to establish an understanding of how Shamanic practice may be used to heal. The focus is on Nepali cultural perspectives on Health and Disease, as well as Healing.


If you are motivated to discover more about traditional perspectives and forms of healing, then this is a good place to start. It will guide you and lead on to more practical sessions of training in ritual.


Since time immemorial, people cultivated a very good relationship with Mother Nature and all that is created. Annual worship, festivals and offerings, seasonal propitiations, ancestral reverence, honouring the Earth-Mother – all the plant and animal kingdoms were part of being and living a harmonious life. But with the passage of time greed, envy and nervousness started planting roots in human lives. As soon as humans started shaping life on the basis of ‘reasoning’ rather than instinct, they started deviating away from Mother Nature and her creations. The harmony started rupturing, thus creating a fragmentation of ‘self’. Here started different diseases, wars and slowly humans started deviating away from the ‘source’.
In this course you will learn this content:

The Traditional Categories of Illnesses:

The animistic universe of the spirits cannot be separated from the mundane world.

Central to Nepali Shamanism-animism and concept of illness are the Deities, spirits, elementals, disarrayed planets and ancestors who generally live in an atmosphere and the earth.

Any of these may cause illness if their territory is encroached upon, any kind of pollution caused, their shrines disturbed, or if one fails to perform timely homage.

It is not correct to place Deities and goddesses in the same category as ‘Lagu’, or evil spirits. Although the Deities may strike out and cause illnesses to remind the humans, they are regularly worshipped and may protect individuals or even grant favours. ‘Lagu’ on the other hand, are totally evil. They come in different varieties.

Types of Lagu include:
Bayu, Bhut, Pichas, Masan, Nag, Moch among others.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”PURIFICATION AND PROTECTION OF OUR HOMES AND SPACES” tab_id=”1602404949416-88b4038a-4bc8″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

You will learn how to purify and protect places in which you live and wish to protect for yourself and others.


If you perform rituals of any kind it is a good idea to learn not only how to set up your sacred altar, but also how to protect your home and areas around you.


Unless the boundary is created for self-protection or the protection of the home and property, we can be prone to the effect of malignant spirits, and suffer disharmony with the locally bound earth spirits and other similar beings.

After propitiating the spirits of the place in traditional indigenous ways or as instructed by the teacher, a step-by-step home cleansing process is followed by keeping sacred objects or protective symbols inside and outside the house, or in the outer boundaries of the property/s.


Each unique opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”HONOURING THE EARTH MOTHER” tab_id=”1602404950613-35b2383b-344d”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

You are offered the opportunity to gain an understanding of this important Nepali ceremony and our work with the Earth Mother.


This event is for those who wish to learn how to work with the Deities and Spirits in celebration.


In order to reinforce our relationship, and express gratitude to Mother Earth, a special ceremony is conducted.
This includes making 13 farrow circles in the earth, and planting as many types of seeds and grains as possible. Thereafter, we make offerings of water, milk, flowers, fruits and other foods.

Ceremony: Ceremony of Sowing the Seed of Fertility and Welcoming the Earth Mother.

(Dharti Mata Pukarne ra Bij Ropne Puja).


Each unique opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”USE OF ELEMENTAL SPIRITS IN HEALING (BASIC)” tab_id=”1602405058593-a34f285c-cc9d”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

The goal of this experiential workshop is to show how healing takes place using the five elements of nature, drumming, singing, preparing healing waters and by fully immersing the participants in the world of spirits. Healing space is created through the partnership of healer, seeker and the helping spirits.

This is a very practical experiential course and so suitable for those who enjoy active participation.
By singing, dancing, journeying and conducting rituals the Shaman uses the elements of nature in his/ her healing practices. The three realms and the seven levels of existence are filled with negative and positive forces. The Shaman must honour the positive forces and pacify and transmute the negative ones. The human body is a reflection of all the elements of creation. The Shamanic healer uses these elements and helper spirits to dispel the root causes of psychological, spiritual and psychosomatic illnesses.


This experiential session focuses on learning by experiencing and is focused on allowing the Shamanic practitioner to experience a Nepali Shaman’s approach to healing.

What can be expected from this session?

Nepali Shamanic Healing Practices:

In basic traditional Nepali healing practices, the presiding Shaman determines the causes of illnesses by feeling the pulse, by counting rice kernels for divination, by journeying or by other means. After the cause of illness has been determined, the Shaman uses whatever the healing tools or objects are available at that time and place.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”CREATING A ‘THAAN’ SACRED RITUAL SPACE INDOORS AND OUTDOORS” tab_id=”1602405400153-6ef76e67-c7fe”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

You will learn how to create your own ritual spaces wherever you are. The purpose is twofold – to attract the Deities and Spirits we wish to work with, and create protection from those we do not wish to influence our practice.


This event is for those who already have an established practice, and also those who simply want to discover more.


For any spiritual practices, we need a place to manifest as the converging point of spirits-keepers of the place, elemental spirit beings and ancestors and lineage protectors.

An altar can be a traditional one passed down from previous generations, created with guidance from a teacher, or even instinctively, based on what intuition arises and/or based on the specific needs for a ritual.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”INTRODUCTION TO RITUALS AND CEREMONIES” tab_id=”1602405465882-a7670940-d7cc”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This course explores the special nature of Rituals and Ceremonies in Shamanism, why and how they differ from other ceremonies, and how best to participate in them.


If you have always wanted to know about Rituals and Ceremonies and explore their nature in depth, this course offers that opportunity.


Rituals and ceremonies play an integral role in traditional Shamanism from short and simple to very complex and lengthy, based on necessity.

The ceremonies are for healing, celebrating the change of season and time, remembering the deceased, establishing a relationship with Deities and Spirits and ensuring harmony with all beings in the Realms.

What are Shamanic rituals and ceremonies and why are they different from other institutional rituals?

What objects and items are frequently used by the Shamans and their relationship with humans and natural environment?


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”THE RITUAL KILA DAGGER – THE GROUNDING, HEALING AND BALANCING SACRED OBJECT” tab_id=”1604361906605-582e9a94-b52c”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

The transmission introduces participants to the sacred ritual dagger known as a Kila or Kilaya. It is a powerful and very diversely used ritual tool which the Shaman uses in conjunction with the Deities and Spirits.


There will be practical instruction for those ready to use the Kila in their work, but it is also possible to attend in order to discover more without commitment.


Used for many centuries by Shamans before being adopted by Buddhism, you will learn that this ritual implement is a manifestation of the world tree, the three realms and the Jhankri’s/Shaman’s helping spirits.

The Kila may be used to extract spiritual illness, clear spaces, charge healing waters, impart blessings and hold the centre of the cosmos for your Shamanic work.

You will learn the sacred Kila mudras—the ritual handling of the sacred dagger—and how you can utilize this marvellous Shamanic tool in your own practice.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”UNDERSTANDING THE HUMAN SOUL” tab_id=”1604362043288-fa326d4d-1bf3″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

You will explore the nature of the Soul and how it interacts with the world of Spirits and Shamans.


If you have always been curious about the Soul, what it is, where, how and why it exists, then this is for you.


Souls in Nepali Shamanism:

In widely used general terms: ‘Souls’ are understood as part of the Atma or as the States of Consciousness, or is analogous to Energy Centers/Spirit centres in the body.

Immortal, memory carrier and over-soul

Mind or Wisdom.

Heart or Love.

Solar Plexus or Attachment.

The Second or the Substitute Body.

The earth-bound spirit of the dead which has not yet crossed over.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”NATURE, TIME AND THE CYCLE OF CHANGE” tab_id=”1604362242063-1d9b3023-a6fa”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This is an opportunity to take part in a sacred personal journey to find your personal songs, stories, and rituals. You will explore the Nepali Shamanic perspective on the Shaman’s spirit—how you continually create it every day and how your spirit exists in a relationship with the environment.


This is a journey of self-discovery, guided by the ancient rituals of the Jhankri. It is open to anyone who is able and willing to make such a journey to explore their relationship with Nature, with Elemental Beings, Healing our Hearts.


Mahakala, “The Great Time Master” will be introduced through myths, stories and special iconography from Nepali Shamanic perspective. Journeys and ceremonies to process from one state of being into another as you move more strongly into the light of your soul will be experienced. In a state of deepened support, you will be guided through creating a protective talisman for self-protection and empowerment.

You will be trained in the basic healing ceremony of ‘Jhar-Phuk’- sweeping away unhealthy presence and blowing in healing and harmonious energies. Gathering guidance from your Guardian Deity or Spirit, you will have an opportunity to offer a thanksgiving ritual—invoking the spirits of the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, and Cosmos.

You will learn about the aspects of your soul and experience a journey of ‘Saato Bolaunu’ or ‘soul essences’ – a journey with a focus on returning home.
Finally, to express the power of your own heart’s beauty and power you will be guided through the Dance of the Circle/Cycle of Re-integration which will be followed by the Mahakala empowerment and thanksgiving.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”DISSOLUTION AND RITUAL DEATH – Dismemberment and Rebirth” tab_id=”1604362410357-114928a9-40b7″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

Only the spiritual experiences you have had in your life can be useful at the time of death. Your rebirth depends upon how much you can let go of worldly attachments and how much you can remember your spiritual experiences. Our purpose is to seek experiences to prepare us.


Yes, if you wish to develop the means to become a person who is ready to lose/forgive everything and is then ready to have everything. Prepare yourself to be free from all attachments. Death is the time when everything is to be abandoned.


In Nepali culture, spiritual rebirth is the centre of this ritual journey; a journey which moves you from death, and the contemplation of one’s skeleton, to a mystic rebirth.

There are three levels of this journey: Death, Contemplation of one’s skeleton, and a Rebirth.

Lie flat on the floor or on your right side with your palms open and facing towards the sky.

It is important to be in the dark.

Your inner state:
We have a saying: “We are born with palms closed to bring and hold, and we die with open palms to give back or to leave behind”.

The best interior situation to practice this is the “technique of non-attachment”.

First Experience: Disintegration of Elements

Second Experience: Contemplation of Skeleton

Third Experience: The Rebirth


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”RANSOM SACRIFICES AND LIFE-SAVING RITUALS” tab_id=”1604362619483-b1218023-a195″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

From the traditional and ancient Shamanic perspective, attachment causes suffering because we have attached our energy into objects, persons, habits, emotions, or ideas and invested all our life force and soul essences throughout our lives into it. Until the outlet is created, the spirits or rather an energy remains stagnant. If we can let go of an attachment or attachments, the results would be like a spontaneous power retrieval. This act of sacrifice or give away or let go can restore and build personal power thus reintegrating and realigning with the true self and innate soul’s purposes.


This is a highly practical course of training intended to provide participants with the means to conduct rituals which may benefit themselves or others through the offering of ransom or making exchanges in order to remove harmful influences.


In Nepali society, there is a belief that malevolent forces connected with the environment, health and progress in life may be appeased through the offering of a ‘ransom’, an exchange. Alternatively, the harmful spirit may be trapped and prevented from causing further harm.

You will learn the rituals associated with Ransom and with Substitution:
Like all ransom rites, Kalchakra is generally based on the concept of equal exchange: malevolent forces are offered a substitute and gifts in exchange for the patient’s good health, soul and life force. The human-shaped effigy or figurine may either be offered as a straightforward exchange or alternatively, the spirit causing the problem may be lured into it through trickery.

Once there, it is trapped and the figurine can be buried far away from the patient’s house. This process is called the ‘transferring a curse or a malign spirit or life-threatening future obstacles into a substitute receptacle’.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”NAGA EMPOWERMENT – AN IN-DEPTH TRANSMISSION” tab_id=”1604362723648-dc8ba77f-5875″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

You will be taught about the Nagas and how they influence all our lives, how we can learn to live in harmony with them and prevent negative consequences from human activities.


Everyone should learn how to live in harmony with the Nagas, but we also need people who are able to perform rituals. If you feel you wish to learn more about Nagas, and how to work with them, this is a course for you.


The Nagas—the sacred serpents are the most primordial Shamanic animals and Deities. Their abodes are the oceans, lakes, swamps, rivers, wells and even on the surfaces of the earth. They play an important role in Shamanic practices, mythologies, folk tales and religions. They are regarded to have very strong magical healing powers, vast knowledge, deep wisdom and yet are also capricious by nature. In other words, they can quickly change from friendly and helpful to angry and malicious.

Their bodies are regarded as rainbows bridges and as such, they connect this world to other spheres of existence and to the Shamanic realms. They are ladders to the upper and lower realms.

Nagas bring health as well as death. They are symbols of renewal of life or the shedding of unhealthy debris or habits.

In Nepal, it is also believed that the Nagas’ power controls and maintains the psychic power of all living beings.
Nagas are helpful and dangerous as they deliver poison and also a life-giving elixir of immortality (amrita).

The participants journey to the realm of Nagas, make Naga invocations and perform a special ceremony to honour them.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”THE MANSAUNE CEREMONYTRANSFERENCE, RELEASE AND HEALING – MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL” tab_id=”1604362866723-37a8bacc-0fdb”][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

A Mansaune Ceremony is done to help create balance in the Divine Pillar. Since everything affects the entirety of the Whole, this ceremony may be used to heal an individual, a group of people or on behalf of all creation.
It is for releasing and healing anything that interferes with healthy and life-giving harmony.

As with all Shamanic healing anytime disharmonious energies are released, that action is always balanced with making offerings and energetic/spiritual renewal.


This course is for people who wish to make a positive healing difference, to improve their own harmonious condition and that of others.


The name of the ceremony comprises two elements. The first part “man” refers to our mind and/or the emotional/thought-forms our mind produces. The second half, “saune” is an agricultural term which refers to preparing a rice paddy field.

To have a healthy rice crop, anything that does not contribute to plant health is removed and then the soil is conditioned by softening it into the perfect consistency to receive the new, tender rice plants.

Shamanically, it refers to supporting a person in regaining balance by purifying, calming and releasing anything that interferes with their clarity, focus and productive capacity.

In Nepal, this ceremony can be done in many different ways using different methods, objects and chants based on the problem that is presented and also what might be available to use for the ritual.

Dhami/Jhankris use variations of this ceremony for breaking a curse, removing a spiritual possession, healing an attack by a malignant spirit or other purposes.

In these cases, the central figure representing the entity, ghost or force needing to be purged would be faceless and limbless. This would assure that the negative entity could be purified from this world without giving it a place to physically embody.

Once the ceremony was complete all the offerings and the central figure would be taken beyond a boundary such as a river to further eliminate the possibility of the entity returning to the person or village until the effigy figure had dissolved back to the earth.

A group ceremony of Mansaune will be conducted by creating a ground mandala/rekhi on the floor.

At the centre of the mandala a recipient representing the Earth Mother in her aspect of ‘receiving what we release’ will be erected.

As we focus on healing the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of our own being, we eliminate disharmonies and problems through transfers and extractions, using special grains and flowers which will be provided to all the participants.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”The Dance of the Feminine: THE WRATHFUL AND COMPASSIONATE MOTHER KALI” tab_id=”1604363029986-42b3e517-6f61″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

Through journeys, stories, songs and rituals you will be initiated into the three aspects of the Mother Earth Goddess.


This experience is for you if you wish to receive an introduction and initiation and become close to Ma Kali as Earth Mother.


‘Mother-reliever of fear and bestower of Shakti: Ma Kali’.

In-depth wisdom of the powers of feminine Deities honoured in the Nepali Shamanic tradition will also be introduced.

She is the one who manifested all beings and all Nature from the void and has the ability to devour disease and time itself.

She also sustains Life as the Nurturing Mother.

Working with the wrathful form of the Goddess—Kali Ma, you will have opportunities to clear karmic burdens from your past incarnations and any burdens of this life here so far.

A ground mandala to honor her will be followed by learning three different ways to encounter and know her.


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”BANJHANKRI – THE SHAMAN’S INITIATION” tab_id=”1604363137156-b42f3378-447b”][vc_column_text]During this two-day program Bhola will introduce you to the three ways that Nepali Shamans or jhankris are initiated.

You will have opportunities to journey to the cave behind the waterfall and enter the realm of Banjhankri, the Primordial Shaman.

You will meet his consort, the fierce Banjhankrini, to be dismembered by her and so made ready to receive a Shamanic empowerment.

You will experience healing from the Primordial Shaman and begin a journey to reconcile any imbalances within yourself, with your ancestors and with your community.

Empowered in this way, you will meet the Snow Leopard to face your limiting fears and move through them with the support of Vayu Deo, the deity of the Air.

Through stories, journeys, ceremonies, songs, and the group ritual of the Kharga Puja you will work with all the elements to experience communal healing and have an opportunity to create a healing mandala, to work with the soul umbrella and offer thanksgiving with the seven sacred grains to the spirits.

Bhola will close the weekend by offering you a personal empowerment, Guru Mantra, the gift of a rudraksha bead and Siir Uthaune Ceremony (raising the spirit up).

CONTACT US[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”CEREMONIES OF PROSPERITY” tab_id=”1604363182074-e4b2f424-9024″][vc_column_text]WHAT IS THE PURPOSE?

This short course teaches a simple ritual for Prosperity.


If Prosperity in life is desired, this ritual is designed to help, understanding that ‘prosperity’ is far more than just material wealth. It assumes some level of practical experience, understanding of helper spirits etc.


This Ceremony involves the following elements, which will be demonstrated and practiced:


The opportunity will be advertised as an event on this website and in social media.
If you are part of an Organisation or Group, Bhola can arrange to create the event for you, at a mutually suitable time and place. At the moment, events are being offered by Zoom and will be available to be taught in person as soon as travel and group interactions are permitted.

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