The Five Elements & Elemental Spirits

with 27th Generation Nepali Jhankri Shaman


April 19th – May 17th, 2023

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn Shamanism directly from an established authentic lineage. Bhola Banstola has been teaching all over the world for decades, and has established himself as one of the very rare teachers of Shamanism who inspires people from all cultures through teaching them the practices his family lineage has used so successfully for many hundreds of years. He is now offering his instruction and wisdom through Zoom, with live sessions and ongoing support as you progress in your path.

Your journey begins with the Five Elements and the Elemental Spirits 


The basis of all Shamanism is the relationship we have with the Elements and Elemental Spirits. The Five Elements are essential to all life. As it is the role of the Shaman to restore balance and harmony, we examine the condition of the Elements in the environment and within the body itself, seeking the best means to heal.

This course is designed to give a comprehensive introduction to working with the Elements which comprise our Universe and pervade all aspects of our lives. 

We now understand the Environment and Ecology as significant globally, and it is even more relevant to the Shamanic work that we understand and integrate work with the Elements into our ceremonies and our personal lives.

Connecting with the elemental spirits is awakening our spirits within and radiating in the outer world, thus healing the self and others.    This is the foundation course for higher/deeper learning.



Kalchakra Shamanic Ritual(the cycle of time) will be performed, during which each participant will have an opportunity to heal another and be healed. This powerful ritual can help to clear the obstacles the soul may experience in the Cycle of Time. These include spiritual or emotional disconnection, childhood and family relationship issues, unhealthy adult relationships, fears, traumas and hostile spirit possession, loss of courage or creativity, ancestral burdens and spiritual impacts upon the physical body. 

After having experienced and crossed over the ‘Cycle of Time’, they will also work with the Earth Mother. The Earth Mother spirit is grounding, rejuvenating and reinforcing every aspect of our lives and all living beings.

In the final phase, participants will experience and learn about ‘spirit renewal and life force enhancing ceremony’ (Sir Uthaune), group healing processes, and deepening our relationship with the spirits of nature and our neighbourhoods and shamanic empowerment