Nepalese-Himalayan Shamanism

The Journey of the Soul

March 18-19, 2023: Freiburg, Germany

Nepalese-Himalayan Shamanism

The Journey of the Soul

He knows not his greatness, not his aim;He has forgotten why he has come and whence;His spirit and his members are at warAll sides he sees and turns to every call;He has no particular light by which to walk;His life is a blind-man's-bluff, a hide and seek;He seeks himself, and from himself, he runs

In this two days complete immersion program, participants will explore the reasons for their being and the magnificent extent of the soul’s experience, which can free them to be more potent. The Journey of the Soul is a cycle and Rights of Passage in this lifetime and the transitions of death and rebirth. The participants will experience an exciting and profound vision of Nepali shamanic tradition through rattling, dancing, singing, storytelling, and ritual.

Kalchakra Shamanic Ritual(the cycle of time) will be performed, during which each participant will have an opportunity to heal another and be healed. This powerful ritual can help to clear the obstacles the soul may experience in the Cycle of Time. These include spiritual or emotional disconnection, childhood and family relationship issues, unhealthy adult relationships, fears, traumas and hostile spirit possession, loss of courage or creativity, ancestral burdens and spiritual impacts upon the physical body. 

After having experienced and crossed over the ‘Cycle of Time’, they will also work with the Earth Mother. The Earth Mother spirit is grounding, rejuvenating and reinforcing every aspect of our lives and all living beings.

In the final phase, participants will experience and learn about ‘spirit renewal and life force enhancing ceremony’ (Sir Uthaune), group healing processes, and deepening our relationship with the spirits of nature and our neighbourhoods and shamanic empowerment


Intensive Date:

18-19 March 2023

Individual Healing Sessions

16 March 2023

20 March 2023

For details please contact:
Michael Weiss
Phone: +49 7645916585