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Nepal’s Indigenous Khasa Dhami/Shamans
Nepal is the home to many indigenous and ethnic groups for many millennials living in harmony and cherishing each other’s customs and practices.
Annually or once in three years or seven or twelve years, the communities organize the gathering of shamans, locally know as the Dhamis, to thank them for the services they provided to the people, animals, land and crops.
During these gatherings, the shamans, the head of the village, the ceremonial heads and responsible persons of the organizing committee take a weeklong fast by taking only one meal a day. The evening ceremonies are held in the Gharmadu/Village shrine with the participation of local musicians and shamans. This is also the time if a neophyte is aspected to be initiated, the elder-master-shamans conduct this ceremony as well.
A fire ceremony with dances is performed a night before the main public ceremony.
Untouched by the outside world, this type of shamanism is one of the oldest forms carrying long lineages and myths in Nepal and throughout the Himalayan regions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/QzBkaOW0zVM” el_aspect=”43″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Nepal Himalayan and Global Shamanic Summit 2021
Kathmandu, Nepal
September 28-October 11, 2021
A Global Gathering of Shamanic Traditions– From the Four Corner of the World
Hosted by the Shamans of Nepal to coalesce power and presence for healing our planet!
This unprecedented, four-day summit ‘open to all’ will have cultural programs, as well as shamanic ceremonies and rituals by shamans from different traditions. Although an academic presentation will be a part of the program, is not a folklorist presentation or anthropological survey.
This will be an expression of traditional shamanic trance, ceremony and power.
The following programs will be presented:
Shamanic Dances, Sacred Ceremonies, Rituals, Ethnic Music and Dances, Fire-walking, group shamanic healing, books exhibition, shamanic attires and sacred ritual objects presentation and exhibition
…and the Stunning Beauty of Nepal
Visit the website for more details
Nepal Shamanic Summit[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/ZK5q7H0-NTE” el_aspect=”43″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Century Long Journey of a Dhami-Shaman, Moti Banstola, Nepal
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Banjhankri Incorporation by a Jhankrini Didi from Tamang Indigenous Group
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Limbu-Yakthung Phedangba Shaman’s Dance
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A Dhami-Shaman offers the ceremony of acknowledgement and respect to the ancestors and teachers.
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Nagas-Makaras, the givers of rain and fertility
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A Female Shamaness, Mata, Invoking her Helping Spirits
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Mount Kailash, the Home of Dhami-Jhankri-Shaman’s mentor!
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Gosainkunda Lake, the sacred lake in the heart of the Nepali Himalayas.
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Khasa-Nepali Shaman Incorporating a Spirit
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