“For a long time, we shall have only to listen,
Not argue or defend, but listen to each other.
Let curses fall without intersession,
Let those fires burn we have tried to smother.”
-Invoking the Goddess
What is Shakti, and why does it matter to us in our daily lives?
A meaningful life is one in which peace and contentment, growth and harmony are experienced, with freedom from anger, sorrow and despair. Our main goal should be to live an ideal life and to encourage others to live ideally as well. This is an excellent reason to cultivate the raising of Shakti within ourselves. This exploration, recognition, containment and proper utilization of Shakti is attained through Shakti Upasana, the method of Lifeforce Generation.
Shakti is the Primal Force of Universal Creation, Preservation and Destruction that causes everything to happen in the cycle of our existence. It is within us and all around us. The word ‘Shakti’ means Power, Strength, Energy or Capability. Shakti is the Lifeforce. All the different Goddess names of the Divine Mother — Kali, Durga, Tara, Devi, Lakshmi, etc. — are just alternative names of the same Lifeforce, personified with appropriate additional attributes. We are able to seek out the most appropriate form for ourselves, and develop a profound relationship with them.
Upasana means to sit near our adored deity and to become permeated with their virtue, characters and attributes. Being engaged in the practice is like being an empty vessel, ready to be filled with the virtues of the focused power. Being human, we are capable of achieving either divinity or beastliness, depending on our intention. Most of us are unaware of our Shakti because of the cravings of our sensory organs. Our preoccupation with satisfying these keeps us ignorant of our Shakti. We roam about like lifeless creatures. Once we are aware of our Shakti, we can realize our potential and enrich our lives. Therefore, Shakti Upasana is at the very core of a meaningful life.
Shakti Upasana begins with incorporating the virtue of divine beings into our daily lives. There may seem to be many gods and goddesses in different forms, but overall, they are all one. All the gods and goddesses procure their status by their virtue. To obtain that, one must have the correct viewpoint. There are thousands of people who follow Rama, Krishna or Jesus, but as humans, they differ from their Deities because they lack their virtues.
The main goal of Upasana is to enrich ourselves with Shakti. All beings exist because of Shakti, which is the same for all. Some have less Shakti than others, as different light bulbs have varied wattage. Without Shakti, plants, animals, humans, gods, goddesses, holy beings, etc. are all powerless. If they lack Shakti, they are nothing but Shava, lifeless.
The Shakti that awakens is not a separate entity from ourselves, but one can obtain these different forms of Shakti only with the help of Faith and Devotion. These are needed to quiet the Chitta, the mundane occupations of the Mind. Through Upasana and keeping the company of evolved beings, a person can recognize, contain and utilize his Shakti, even as a householder.
Although there are multiple forms of the Goddess with different virtues, they are manifestations of the One Goddess with one all-encompassing virtue. People may seek out and experience many things, yet make no progress on the path. Everyone learns according to his Samskaras, karmic imprints from past actions and lives. If you stay with your one devotional practice, your Samskara will also evolve as your Shakti increases.
Through deviation and dedication, we gain Stability. Performance alone is not meaningful, whether it is Sadhana (practice), Upasana (practice with devotion), dhyana (meditation), or asana (postures). If stability is not there, all these practices are useless.
The main goal of veneration and practice and outer rituals in Upasana is to develop a love for our deity. We say ‘Sarveshwari Tvam Pahimam Sharnegatam’. Once we have surrendered and yet still commit evil acts, and still harbour worldly desires and expectations, we should know that we have not yet fully developed that unity. We must also cultivate modesty and humility and be mindful of our behaviour in body and speech, seeking purity in ritual and in daily life.
Faith is one of the greatest virtues. Without faith, our mantra, practice and medicine do not work. After receiving our mantra from our guru, we should practice it with utmost faith. It is only then that we can understand its power, and our life becomes meaningful.
There is no emergence of Shakti within a person who harbours doubt. We must remain steadfast in our convictions, even when life brings us unfavourable conditions and challenges, but recognise that we are not living in ancient times and keep our focus on behaviour that develops Shakti rather than an academic or historical study. In all this, it is essential to have a Guru, an experienced guide, to introduce us to the Goddesses, to Shakti and the way of Upasana. By embracing the teachings of the time-tested lineages and experienced masters we come in contact with, we can walk on the path of today.
Through Upasana, instead of obtaining the grace of MahaMaya, the Divine Mother, we have to seek our own grace, as the attributes of MahaMaya are already within us awaiting arousal. The Divine Mother has already given us not only this human body and the company of sacred beings, but most of all has given birth to us on this Earth. We should be grateful for this understanding, the goal of our lives. Let us practice the righteous way of living with the grace and guidance of the Goddesses, Gods and Gurus.
NB: As an innate law of nature, every male carries the female aspects and every female possesses the male aspects, therefore, one cannot exist without the other! In these transmissions, we will be learning all the aspects of the feminine principle but the male aspects are always present in silence.
The following are the dates of transmission:
24 OCTOBER, 2021
The dates are fixed for transmission and practice unless we may have to change due to unforeseen situations. All sessions start at 8:00 PM local Italian time and end at 10:00 PM (two hours)- please check your time zone.
All the classes will be video recorded and shared with the participants in the FB Group. Short notes will also be provided. If you do not use FaceBook, please let us know in advance so that we send links and notes to follow up.
Who can join? Anyone who is interested and dedicated to learning and practicing the Goddess’s Path.
Registrations close on October 21.
As the spaces are limited do send an email to reserve your place here: bhumi1008@outlook.com
Sarwa Mangalam Shuvam
May all be auspicious